Child Safeguarding
Our Commitment to Child Safeguarding
Australian Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People has been designed to sit across Australian Cricket, from Cricket Australia right through to local associations and clubs, including the Midland-Guildford Cricket Club.
In doing so, the policy creates a framework for ensuring that Children and Young People that play cricket are safe and assists Affiliated Associations and Clubs, including Midland-Guildford Cricket Club, in delivering a child safe sport and complying with State and Territory laws, with the support of Cricket Australia and the State and Territory Associations.
Australian Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People is supported by Australian Cricket’s Looking After Our Kids Code of Behaviour for Australian Cricket Personnel and Australian Cricket’s Looking After Our Kids Code of Behaviour for Affiliated Associations and Clubs including Midland-Guildford Cricket Club.
The Child Safety Officer at Midland-Guildford Cricket Club is Charlotte Brown. Charlotte can be contacted via